

Will The Stubborn Chlamydia Infection be Cleared Away Without Antibiotics?

In general, Chlamydia Treatment is a stubborn disease. This disease can be affected easily by sexual contact. Although some chlamydia patients cannot experience symptoms, most of its victims can experience obvious signs and symptoms such as white cloudy and watery or greenish- yellow discharge from penis, pain or burning urination, possible itching around opening of penis.

As for treatment of Chlamydia Cure, antibiotics are the most common one. However, as we all know, antibiotics always have side-effects, such as bringing harms to liver and kidney. Thus, antibiotics can't be used for a long time. What's more, antibiotics can cause drug resistance so that patients need to change dosage frequently.

So, is there any alternative medicine to clear away chlamydia infection without antibiotics?

According to a famous herbalist Dr. Lee, herbal medicine can clear away stubborn chlamydia infection. As a herbal remedy to treat chlamydia infection, it is highly powerful in clearing away heat and toxic materials, which means the pathogen - chlamydia can be killed. In the formula of herbal medicine, some herbs like pangolin and saffron are diuretic to treat urinary symptoms. What's more, talcum or plantago seed can not only promote Qi and blood circulation to reduce pain, but also benefit to dissolve stasis as well as dissipate hard lumps to subside swell. By these means, chlamydia infection and its complications, including prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, orchitis, and epididymitis can be cleared away.

Based on the function of herbal medicine, recently Dr. Lee Xiaoping from Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic has strongly recommended traditional Chinese medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, which can clear away chlamydia infection and its complications in men and women within three months. Large numbers of studies have indicated that diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill has been used in Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic for over years and has already successfully cured thousands of sufferers with stubborn chlamydia infection.

As diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is a traditional Chinese medicine to cure chlamydia infection, it has no side effect and drug resistance at all. What's more, it brings no damage to kidneys or liver while treating the infection. According to the clinical cases, diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill can reduce chlamydia symptoms in one month and can completely eliminate the infection within three months medication. Traditional Chinese medicine for chlamydia infection is worthwhile. As a result, herbal medicine can clear away the stubborn chlamydia infection without antibiotics.


Chlamydia Can Cause Severe Pregnant Complications

Chlamydia Treatment is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. It's known to us all that untreated Chlamydia can cause infertility but little of us know that becoming infected with chlamydia before or during pregnancy increases the risk of complications, such as stillbirth or unplanned premature birth, which has been proved by a research conducted in Australia.

The research involved in the analysis on the records of birth of more than 350,000 women who had had their first baby between 2003 and 2013 in New South Wales, aiming at finding out if infection with either Chlamydia Cure before or during pregnancy had any impact on the baby or the birth itself, as there is continuing debate about whether these infections can increase the risk of complications. Among the 354,217 women, only 1% of them had had at least one notifiable Chlamydia infection before the birth. And almost 81% of these had been diagnosed before the estimated date of pregnancy. In all, 4% of the women had an unplanned premature birth and 12% had babies who were small for dates; and 0.6% of the babies were already dead before born.

Even though factors such as age, social disadvantage, smoking, and underlying conditions, diabetes and high blood pressure also increase the risk of birth complications, women who had had a prior infection with either Chlamydia were still at higher risk. Women who had had Chlamydia were not at increased risk of giving birth to a small for date baby. But they were 17% more likely to have an unplanned premature birth and 40% more likely to have a stillborn baby. But the risk of an unplanned premature birth did not differ between those diagnosed more than a year before conception, within a year of conception, or during the pregnancy.

We can make a conclusion that Chlamydia jeopardizes the life and health of the fetus, so it should be treated completely before the gestation. Since the antibiotics have been a concerned issue because of its resistance, a great amount of doctors now are trying to control the dose of them for the good of the patients. Besides, there are other medicines that can work on the disease effectively, such as the Fuyan pill. If men have this disease, herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill will be better.

As Chlamydia can cause very serious problems to the pregnancy, early prevention is of great necessity. We, especially female, should pay special attention to it.
Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic provides the highest quality medication of multiple gynecological/genital/urinary conditions by a highly professional and experienced TCM team. Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic was set up by Dr. Xiaoping Li over 20 years ago and is based at Wuhan, China. Dr. Xiaoping Li has got two herbal medicines Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and Fuyan Pill patented and now they can only be ordered from our websites or purchased from our clinic.

Chlamydia Treatment, as a sexually transmitted disease (STD), is caused by the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. For women, if left untreated, this infection can cause serious health danger, like PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), or even infertility. According to some researches, chlamydia infection can be even passed on from the mother to her child during childbirth. Thus, it's suggested to accept treatments as soon as possible for Chlamydia carriers.

Chlamydia Cure affects both men and women and occurs in all age groups, though it's most prevalent among young women. Chlamydia isn't difficult to treat once you know you have it. In many cases, Early-stage chlamydia infections often cause few or no signs and symptoms. So an infection can last for weeks or months before it is discovered. This decides the fact that it can be easily passed on during sexual intercourse. In females, chlamydia symptoms generally include vaginal irritation, vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain and burning feeling with urination.

Chlamydia carriers should go to see a doctor one you find abnormal discharge from your vagina or penis or if you have pain during urination. Besides, if your sexual partner reveals that he has this infection, you should also go to hospital for some test. Once confirming the disease, one should accept treatments as soon as possible or it may cause more serious diseases, such as PID and infertility. Especially for pregnant women, the disease is also possible to spread to her child during delivery, which may cause pneumonia or a serious eye infection in her newborn. If such a thing happens, it's undoubtedly a disaster for the whole family who should indulge in the happiness of the new life. According to some statistics, about 50 percent to 70 percent of the new born baby can be infected if the mother gets Chlamydia infection. For more serious cases, it may lead to death of the new born baby.

Because of the tremendous damage Chlamydia can cause, the treatments on it become more and more important for both patients and clinicians. If detected early on, chlamydia can easily be treated with antibiotics or herbal medicine, and the symptoms can be alleviated within 7 to 10 days. The common antibiotic drugs prescribed by doctors may include Tetracycline, Erythromycin, and sulfonamides. However, based on lots of clinical cases, Chlamydia can't be easily cured completely by antibiotics because all antibiotics will cause drug resistance in patients. Thus, herbal medicine maybe a better option like Fuyan Pill which is totally made from Chinese herbs without any side effects and drug resistance. The efficacy of this pill has been confirmed by lots of cases.

What Kind of Diet Is Helpful for Reducing Chlamydia Symptoms?

Chlamydia Treatment is usually a sexually transmitted illness (STD) triggered by Chlamydia trachomatis. It may damage a woman's reproductive organs. Chlamyda can be a very typical infection on account of enhancing in sugar and fatty foods consumption and international travel. Several folks who have Chlamyda practical experience no symptoms. If Chlamydia is left untreated, it might bring about significant well-being issues.

So even though curing chlamydia naturally might not be the most beneficial choice, natural remedies may be utilized to enhance the impact of pharmaceutical therapy or to provide relief in the symptoms in the really least.

There are certainly no single meals or herb that could prevent Chlamydia. However, the following organic chlamydia causes remedies play a vital part in detoxifying the physique, boosting immunity, and warding off its infection:

Ideally, as much as 80% of your chlamydia eating plan need to include things like alkaline forming and fiber dense foods like complete grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.

Green foods including alfalfa, barley grass, wheatgrass, and chlorella are rich in vital phytonutrients that assistance in detoxification and blood purification

Eat at the very least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables that include vital vitamins and minerals every single day to reduce the risk of Chlamydia.

Add cranberry juice inside the everyday Chlamydia diet to stop the Chlamydia bacteria from getting into the urinary tract.

Some herbs are extremely efficient in treating Chlamyda primarily because of their medicinal properties that are strongly anti-bacterial in nature. The herbs are extremely effective but have totally zero side effects and can be safely made use of by 1 and all. Within this report we shall talk concerning the herbs that may be employed for treating the condition and also look at how they are to become utilized. They are Garlic, Usnea, Echinacea, Sage, Goldenseal, and so on. It is best to intake these herbs as more as you can.

Learn More about Chlamydia

It's traumatic to have sexually transmitted disease (STD) including genital herpes, syphilis, AIDS, HIV, Chlamydia Treatment, trichomoniasis, etc. Comparing with other serious diseases, STD is a different story. Take chlamydia caused by bacteria for example, without marked symptoms, it always creeps up on a host of people and impairs reproductive system silently. Therefore, most of the time, women who are infected can't recognize the fact with slight signs like muscle aches, headache or a mild fever which don't remind patients of this problem directly. It's more difficult for men to tell whether they have this ocndition because of fewer or no symptoms. Rarely, in male patients, there may be itching or burning sensations on penis as well as a discharge from its tip.

chlamydia causes goes unnoticed until severe complications appear. In women, it can run rampant to finally cause an infection of the urethra or inflammation of the cervix. At worst, if left untreated, it will contribute to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) that always results in infertility and ectopic pregnancy. In men, it may account for the inflammation of urethra and epididymis, which both probably affect testicle that plays a key role in transporting sperm. What's more, chlamydial conjunctivitis happens to those who have touched bodily fluids that contain the pathogenic bacteria. In addition, if the treatment is failing to kill off the pathogenic bacteria thoroughly, or the patient does not abstain from sex during treatment, the recurrence of it easily takes place.

When it comes to cure chlamydia, antibiotics are usually recommended. Given the fact that chlamydia and gonorrhea often occur together, patients who get one infection are always treated for both with ceftriaxone plus doxycycline or azithromycin. However, due to increasing drug-resistant strains of chlamydia, in pursuit of a better treatment, people turn to traditional Chinese medicine. For instance, "Fuyan Pill" (for women) and "Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill" (for men) prove to be effective herbal medicines in beating back chlamydia and keeping the recurrence of chlamydia in check.

Despite not a deadly clinical ill, chlamydia should not be neglected. It is better to take steps to prevention than to cure this disease after serious complications show up. Once you start treatment, it will work only until you follow through. On account to easy recurrence of this condition, treat your sex partner as well if he or she is diagnosed with it. By the way, in this case, the traditional Chinese medicines mentioned above enable to lower your chances of being reinfected. If you are not exposed to chlamydia, but have sexual behavior, it is crucial to ask for some check-ups regularly. Besides, value the usage of latex condoms during sexual intercourse.

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