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The patient with mycoplasma infection prostatitis for 11 years was cured with TCM

Name: Mr Tang
Gender: Male
Age: 45 years old
Chief statement: Repeated frequency, urgency and perineal pain for 11 years.
Auxiliary examinations: mycoplasma culture: positive; prostate fluid routine: WBC +++, lecithin + +

Medical history: Mr. Tang had urinary frequency and urgency with no obvious incentive, so he went to the local hospital clinic for treatment. The examination results showed that he has mycoplasma positive, and was diagnosed as "mycoplasma infection prostatitis". He take some anti-infective drugs (specific medication and courses are unknown), but the symptoms were no significantly improved. So he had recurrent frequency, urgency and perineal pain, persistent positive mycoplasma for 11 years. And he found Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic to take the TCM treatment.

Western diagnosis: Chlamydia Treatment
TCM diagnosis: turbid semen

Consulting time: 2008.11
Treating course: Three-month treatment with diuretic anti-inflammatory pill

Urinary frequency and urgency was relieved obviously, but the perineal pain still existed. So he continued taking diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, and was asked to follow dietary restrictions.

The symptoms of frequency, urgency and perineal pain were significantly reduced, and Mr. Tang felt great improved, only had some discomforts sometimes. So he was asked to take another month medicine and review the prostate fluid routine and mycoplasma culture seven days after the drug withdrawal.

The symptoms of frequency, urgency and perineal pain was nearly cured. After taking some checkups in local hospital, the mycoplasma culture showed negative and the prostate fluid routine was WBC-, lecithin was + + +. The test results showed he was healed completely. Dr.Lee asked him to pay attention to the diet to avoid the relapse of the disease.

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